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Setting a Double

Contact Obstacles: Teeter, A-Frame, Dogwalk

These are considered contact obstacles because a dog's performance of these obstacles are based on having a paw touch in the downside yellow.  These obstacles can be found in all but jumpers classes with Standard being the place these are most used.

Weaves, Table, Tunnel

Weaves can be found in most classes unless the level includes Level 1 (beginner).  Weaves are either 6 or 12 in length and must be 24 inch spacing.  The table in CPE is used only to stop the clock in a few games.  It is never in Standard.  Tunnels can be in lengths ranging from 10 to 20 feet.  Most courses will have a maximum of 3 physical tunnels on course.

Jumps - all types.

Above are all the jump options (except wall) found on all CPE courses.  Most jumps can be with or without wings.  Single jumps may have only one bar.  Double jumps are found in all CPE courses and will always be asending with cross bars below (see setting video below).  Triple jumps are only allowed in games where it's a choice - not mandatoria.  Planel jump can be found on most courses but is required in Fullhouse as a 3 point option (replaces tire jump).  Broad jump and wall jumps are available but seldom used.